Favor IS fair.

I really don’t like the phrase “favor ain’t fair”. Why wouldn’t it be fair? God is all-knowing, all-powerful. He reigns/rains on the just as well as the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Favor is definitely fair. If you’re faithful over a few things: tithes, obedience, abstinence,..etc. then he will bless you accordingly (Matthew 25:23). Don’t worry about those who are living in constant sin (notice I said constant– we all sin and come short.. but what makes a difference is how constant or disciplined we are in our sins.). These people are only living for “right now”. A true Christ follower understands that this world, these material things, money, sex,..etc won’t last. Real treasures are intangible like love, patience, confidence, life, & eternal life. Real treasures are stored in Heaven. That’s why the Bible encourages you, as a Christ-believer to set your sights on things in Heaven (Colossians 3:1). Heaven is your final place. This world is not our home.

Realize Your Favor:

US: “God, I’ve been doing my best to live in your will, I know I’m not perfect but I’ve been trying my very best, and I still can’t seem to catch a break. But so-&-so over there does what they want and they have money, the fliest ride, a nice apartment, & all the hottest clothes,… Why can’t I have all that too, especially if I’m doing what you asked of me? Favor ain’t fair.”

God: “My child, don’t covet your neighbor (Deuteronomy 5:21). I love them just as much as I love you. It may look good to you, but look at what you have. Your family is so close and loving to one another, this person has no family at all. You found someone to love and they love you back, this person has all of these assets and no one to share it with because all they want is money. You sleep peacefully at night, this person tosses and turns in worry of the next dollar they want to make. Their treasures are here on earth because they live in the world. They seek instant gratification. But you my child, I see your diligence and each day your obedience toward me adds more to your treasure in my kingdom. Just wait til you see the mansion and treasure I have for you! You will be amazed. Just keep trusting me. I will show you more than you heart can hold. Be thankful. Favor is fair. “

About whitwisdom

Whitney Everett, Freelance Writer Whit Wisdom's Blog WordPress: whitwisdom.wordpress.com Need Insight? Email Me at whitwisdominsight@gmail.com! Everything is confidential. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 21:17 (NIV)
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2 Responses to Favor IS fair.

  1. Pastor A. Hamilton says:

    I totally agree!!

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